We’ve got a few opportunities coming up for you to get some organic seedlings for your garden!
Where we’ll be:
On Saturday, we’ll be at the Dieppe Market (as usual) with a lot of seedlings. And then on Sunday we’ll be at La Bikery in Moncton between 10 am and 1 pm for the annual organic plant sale there we’ve been part of each year. And then on the following Tuesday (June 4th), we’ll be in Shediac selling seedlings at the Greater Shediac Community Garden AGM (all welcome!) at the Multipurpose Centre between 6 and 8 pm . After that, if we’ve got any seedlings left, we’ll bring them to the Dieppe Market with our produce on Saturdays.
Life’s a Garden, dig it!
It’s that time of year that home gardeners should be planting their gardens for the summer ahead. I know it’s been feeling rainy and not super hot, but especially in order to get a good harvest of things that take longer to start producing (like tomatoes and peppers), they need to get planted into the ground (or the larger balcony pot) asap.
While plants like basil,peppers and tomatoes will need protection (like an old bed sheet or floating row cover) over night if there’s a frost advisory, there are plenty of other vegetables that don’t mind the cold at all (like kale and chard).

The Plants we have for sale:
There are vegetable seedlings:
- We’ve got over 20 varieties of tomatoes,
- a handful of pepper varieties, both sweet and hot
- kale (green curly and red),
- rainbow swiss chard,
- cucamelon (I think of this as the cherry tomato of the cucumber world).
- Salad 4 packs with lettuce and green onions

There are herb seedlings:
- Italian basils (green, purple),
- Holy Basil (aka Tulsi or Sacred Basil), this one is more medicinal but has a fantastic flavor and scent. We use these often by cutting a few stems and making a fresh herb tea with them. They are an adaptogenic herb – which means they support our bodies in dealing with stress.
- parsley (curly and flat),
- chives (a perennial),
- mullein (a perennial herb that grows tall and striking, often used medicinally like for respiratory health),
- stinging nettles (perennial – these are super healthy for both us humans and to chop down and put on top of the soil though they can spread if you’re not harvesting them enough or mowing around them).

And, for the first time, due to people asking for them, we’ve got seedlings of flowers, both cutting types and ones for pollinator health:
- Swamp Milkweed (much needed by Monarchs, and also plenty of other pollinators, these are also really beautiful and can be planted in wet spots (or drier spots too).
- Snapdragon
- 4 packs with: Prairie Sun Rudbeckia, Grenadin Carnation, Scarlet Larkspur, Clary Sage, Chantilly Snapdragon.
- Blue Veronica (we originally grew this to add to bouquets but so many pollinators loved them that we couldn’t bear to cut them. A perennial).
- Aquilegia (aka Columbine). A perennial spring bloomer.

We also sell packets of seeds for home gardeners of many different vegetables.
The seeds and seedlings we sell are all organic.
In some cases, we have saved the seeds ourselves. The seedlings are planted in organic potting mix and we mix into it some organic alfalfa meal for a slow-released nutrient source so your plants will have the best start on their life.

Once we sell out of a certain variety of a seedling or seed, that’s it. We won’t have any more of that one. Coming out to one of these events will ensure you get the right ones for your garden.
See you soon!
Your farmers, Shannon and Bryan
P.S. You can find gardening tips on our website, including How to Care for your Tomato Seedling.