This coming Saturday we’ll be at the 2024 Cumberland Seedy Saturday in Amherst, Nova Scotia. We’ll be selling organic seeds for your garden plus there will be other vendors too!
This event has been happening for 12 years and we’ve been to every one (we used to be on the planning committee)! It only happens one day a year, so it’s always a high priority for us.
It’s happening at 5 Ratchford St in Amherst (on the corner with Acadia St.) in the building that houses the Cumberland Business Connector and other things (right next to the library).
It’ll be open from 11 am to 2 pm. It tends to be very busy for the first half and less so for the 2nd half. So, if you want time to chat and ask us lots of gardening questions, the 2nd half may be the better time frame for you (or if you prefer less crowded spaces!).

In other, very exciting, news….we just got a puppy!
We’ve named her Sadie and we’ve been taking her for multiple long walks around the farm and in the woods (with our cats following behind). And she’s just been loving it all! She’s our first dog and we’re learning a lot from her already.
We’ll likely take turns during the Seedy Saturday being with her in the van and outside the building. So, if you’re interested, you may get to meet her (we’re trying to socialize her and give her lots of new experiences so it’ll be great for her to meet a bunch of people!).

Goose Update
Our geese, which we realized this spring are 2 males and 1 female (not 2 females and 1 male like we thought) are much louder lately with mating/nesting season. The female has been laying eggs (we’ve eaten a couple) and our fingers are crossed for goslings!
Here’s a pic of a goose egg next 2 chicken eggs of 2 of the 4 breeds we have: