After beginning our Spring market season indoors at the Dieppe Market, this week will be the first that we move outdoors to our regular Summer spot.
We’re located outside the entrance of the market, on the rue Acadie side of the market.
We’ve spent the summer at this spot ever since 2012, when we 1st started attended the Dieppe Market and we really like this spot, though it’s often said to be the less-used entrance.
It is quieter for sure. It’s also shadier under the great overhang, which works well for us because it helps keep our vegetables and cut flowers fresher for the length of the market day.
Anyhow, it is a destination. Not always as easy for customers as just happening to pass by. But we’ve been blessed with wonderful, loyal customers who choose to come find us in the summer in this quiet and cooler spot.
Hope to see you there!
your farmers, Shannon and Bryan
P.S. After staying at the farm on Saturdays to keep young plants alive this spring, this coming weekend Shannon will be back to coming to market with Bryan, along with buckets of farm-harvested flowers to make up bouquets at market (rather than staying up late on Friday finishing up the bouquets to send with Bryan).