Chatty Cathys

Barbara Kingsolver quote

Sometimes we get interviewed for various reasons by various people. And neither of us find it particularly easy to say the right thing at the right time. Or say witty or funny things at the perfect moment (but of course, we can think up good ones later….).

And sometimes people ask us the same questions but get a very different answer, depending on the day, the weather perhaps, our mood most definitely, and the conversations we may have had right before then.

So really, each interview or story can only capture a specific moment in our lives.


Well, here are 2 recent “moments in time.”

The first is an interview I did after we were awarded a “Your 2 Cents” seed grant from the Rodale Institute.

The 2nd is this story that was put together from an interview based on the fact that I will be speaking on a panel at the upcoming Beginner Farmer Symposium put on by ACORN’s Grow a Farmer program.

July 29, 2014 – Symposium Speaker Profile: Shannon Jones of Broadfork Farm 

Shannon Jones of Broadfork Farm in River Hebert, NS. Shannon will be presenting "Investing in Farmland: Key Considerations for Beginner Farmers" at the 3rd Beginner Farmer Symposium/ le 3e Symposium annuel pour les fermiers débutants & soirée d’accueil on August 18th, 2014 in Sackville, NB.

Every farmer finds a different path to a career in agriculture. For Shannon Jones, it began with her studies in holistic nutrition, where she decided that the best way she could help people be healthier and more food-conscious was by growing the food herself. Since that decision, she has been volunteering, apprenticing, or working on farms for over ten years- and for the last three and a half years, she and her partner Bryan Dyck have been running their own 15.6 acre operation, Broadfork Farm, in River Hebert, NS.

Shannon is undoubtedly pleased with their choice to open Broadfork Farm. She loves “how fulfilling and challenging it is intellectually and physically and emotionally and spiritually. I love that I don’t have to always look “presentable” for work (besides the market).” At the farm, Shannon loves “…how quiet it is. I love how it’s located in the middle of the Maritimes provinces. I love our neighbours. And the forest. And the tidal river.”

Shannon’s passion for organic farming extends beyond her own farm, however. She is also an ACORN Board Member, contributes to the National Farmers Union Youth (NFU) and Young Agrarians blogs, and also sits on the Grow a Farmer Steering Committee where she provides thought and guidance supporting the future of farmers in Atlantic Canada. Her commitment to the organic sector is admirable and encourages the importance of community engagement–a vital ingredient for any aspiring grower!

She will admit that it can be challenging to work with just her partner (in both life and in business) all day, every-day – however, she adds that working with Bryan also makes her job easier and even more fulfilling as they gain a deeper understanding of each other while they also evolve as farmers. Shannon encourages new farmers to “place value on your professional development. It’s not a waste of money! Conferences (like ACORN’s), farm tours, books, magazines (like Growing for Market) are valuable. I’ve been getting into farm podcasts. I like Farm Marketing Solutions and Permaculture Voices.”

Thanks to Shannon for sharing her words of wisdom with us! We look forward to hearing her input during the Investing in Farmland Panel at the 3rdBeginner Farmer Symposium on August 18, 2014. REGISTER NOW! 

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